今日は水曜日なので、「やわらかい英文法」の日ですが、急遽変更して しあさっての土曜日に発表するスピーチの原稿を載せようと思います。
以前何度か触れましたが、私は Toastmaster English という、スピーチを主体にした英語のクラブに入っているのです。
遠い遠い昔 私が小学生だった頃・・そう、ちょうど今ごろの時期です。
帰宅した私に母はよく言ったものです。 「ねえ、見て。キッチンぴかぴかでょ? 今日掃除、ずっと頑張ったのよ。明日はトイレをしようかな?」
でも今では、そういったささいな日常の事柄が、母と分け合う 私の大切な思い出なのです。
母は今、認知症などを患うお年寄りを受け入れているグループホームで生活をしています。そしてすでに 私を自分の娘とは認識できない状態なのです。
まもなく私達は、危険な事件を何度も起こす母を ホームに入所させることになるのです。その後、「自分で面倒をみない。」という事実に私は悩み始めます。まるで出口のない長く暗いトンネルにいるような日々が続くのです。
「きみさんは、私が内心落ち込んでいて、でも明るいふりをしていると、そのことが不思議とわかるんですよ。」 驚いたことに、母は、自分の周りにいる人達の癒しの存在となっていました。彼らの肩に腕をまわして愛情を表現していたようなのです。
一口分のケーキをスプーンで運ぶと、母は ひな鳥のように大きな口を何度も開けては嬉しそうにしてくれました。この経験が私に 古い昔のある場面を呼び起こしました。お茶碗とスプーンを両手に、必死にごはんを食べさそうと私を追い掛け回している母。
次に訪ねると、母が人形に向かって 「ちいちゃん」と何度も呼んでいたことを知らされました。「ちいちゃん 」は、私の長年の呼び名です。
会いに行くと トロンとした表情でいることも多くなりました。
『ママ、ねえ、あなたの娘は前向きに生きてるでしょ? これこそが、あなたから受け継いだ、「私の宝物」なのだから。』
Back in this season of my old days, I remember when I came home from elementary school, my mother used to tell me, " Look here, kitchen is shiny and organized, ha? I spent hours cleaning it all the way.
Tomorrow I'm gonna do bathroom maybe."
Mother seemed to be happy about going a little ahead of a big clean-up of year-end.
Actually I didn't pay much attention to what she's done for us. I was just a naive kid.
For now those kind of trifle things are my precious memory that I shared with my mother.
She now is living in the nursing home designed for seniors suffering from dementia and other handicaps.
Actually she can't recognize me as her own daughter.
As you might guess, I have been having a hard time tackling over mentally collapsing mother day by day since I noticed there was something wrong with her.
We had to decide on sending her into a nursing home after she caused not a few dangerous incidents to happen.
I began to agonize myself over the fact that I couldn't take care of her by myself and felt guilty about it.
It was like I got stuck in the dark long tunnel with no light ahead.
Then,it was the remark of the staff at nursing home that helped me get out of the darkness.
" Your mother Kimi-san was always able to sense when I was down or depressed even though I was trying to pretend to be cheerful."
To my surprise, she seemed to be very helpful to people around her by showing unspoken consideration like with her arm around their shoulders, giving some gentle pats.
Mother in my memory was a kind of a person who was cheerful, talkative and reliable. Because of that, I got all the more desperate over the fact that she's just existed without doing anything humane.
But it wasn't right.
I came to realize that there might be some different way of feeling even though she cannot communicate.
Since then, I decided to accept what she now is and enjoy her company.
On her birthday last year, I made a whole of strawberry decorated cake for her. When I took some cake on the spoon and moved it toward her mouth, she happily opened it big enough like a baby bird.
It reminded me of my old days, perhaps at age 3 or 4 when mother was trying to get me to eat meals with a spoon and a bowl in her hands, running after me.
Sorry, mother. I should have eaten properly then like you're doing it right for me.
On mother's day, I once gave her a baby doll that she seemed to be attached to. On the following visit, I was told that several times mother was calling that doll " ちいちゃん”which is the common name she used to call me before her illness.
Mother, for you being as a mother, it should be when you were taking care of helpless infants that you found your life the most gorgeous.
I know that. That's why ちいちゃん is very very small kid, right?
Her symptom got worse and now she can rarely utter a word.
Every time I visit her, she looks absent-minded.
But I would never be discouraged.
I keep talking even though she cannot understand me at all.
I enjoy physical contacts as much as possible, like rubbing her hands, shoulders and cheeks or combing her hair.
In the course of doing those kinds, she sometimes regains bright and cute expression on her face.
Mother, I do know you recognize me deep down your heart.
Focusing on what's left not on what's lost is the attitude that I promised myself to keep.
Mother, I'm your daughter who's got a positive thinking.
That's the very treasure and gift that I absolutely got from you.
以前何度か触れましたが、私は Toastmaster English という、スピーチを主体にした英語のクラブに入っているのです。
遠い遠い昔 私が小学生だった頃・・そう、ちょうど今ごろの時期です。
帰宅した私に母はよく言ったものです。 「ねえ、見て。キッチンぴかぴかでょ? 今日掃除、ずっと頑張ったのよ。明日はトイレをしようかな?」
でも今では、そういったささいな日常の事柄が、母と分け合う 私の大切な思い出なのです。
母は今、認知症などを患うお年寄りを受け入れているグループホームで生活をしています。そしてすでに 私を自分の娘とは認識できない状態なのです。
まもなく私達は、危険な事件を何度も起こす母を ホームに入所させることになるのです。その後、「自分で面倒をみない。」という事実に私は悩み始めます。まるで出口のない長く暗いトンネルにいるような日々が続くのです。
「きみさんは、私が内心落ち込んでいて、でも明るいふりをしていると、そのことが不思議とわかるんですよ。」 驚いたことに、母は、自分の周りにいる人達の癒しの存在となっていました。彼らの肩に腕をまわして愛情を表現していたようなのです。
一口分のケーキをスプーンで運ぶと、母は ひな鳥のように大きな口を何度も開けては嬉しそうにしてくれました。この経験が私に 古い昔のある場面を呼び起こしました。お茶碗とスプーンを両手に、必死にごはんを食べさそうと私を追い掛け回している母。
次に訪ねると、母が人形に向かって 「ちいちゃん」と何度も呼んでいたことを知らされました。「ちいちゃん 」は、私の長年の呼び名です。
会いに行くと トロンとした表情でいることも多くなりました。
『ママ、ねえ、あなたの娘は前向きに生きてるでしょ? これこそが、あなたから受け継いだ、「私の宝物」なのだから。』
Back in this season of my old days, I remember when I came home from elementary school, my mother used to tell me, " Look here, kitchen is shiny and organized, ha? I spent hours cleaning it all the way.
Tomorrow I'm gonna do bathroom maybe."
Mother seemed to be happy about going a little ahead of a big clean-up of year-end.
Actually I didn't pay much attention to what she's done for us. I was just a naive kid.
For now those kind of trifle things are my precious memory that I shared with my mother.
She now is living in the nursing home designed for seniors suffering from dementia and other handicaps.
Actually she can't recognize me as her own daughter.
As you might guess, I have been having a hard time tackling over mentally collapsing mother day by day since I noticed there was something wrong with her.
We had to decide on sending her into a nursing home after she caused not a few dangerous incidents to happen.
I began to agonize myself over the fact that I couldn't take care of her by myself and felt guilty about it.
It was like I got stuck in the dark long tunnel with no light ahead.
Then,it was the remark of the staff at nursing home that helped me get out of the darkness.
" Your mother Kimi-san was always able to sense when I was down or depressed even though I was trying to pretend to be cheerful."
To my surprise, she seemed to be very helpful to people around her by showing unspoken consideration like with her arm around their shoulders, giving some gentle pats.
Mother in my memory was a kind of a person who was cheerful, talkative and reliable. Because of that, I got all the more desperate over the fact that she's just existed without doing anything humane.
But it wasn't right.
I came to realize that there might be some different way of feeling even though she cannot communicate.
Since then, I decided to accept what she now is and enjoy her company.
On her birthday last year, I made a whole of strawberry decorated cake for her. When I took some cake on the spoon and moved it toward her mouth, she happily opened it big enough like a baby bird.
It reminded me of my old days, perhaps at age 3 or 4 when mother was trying to get me to eat meals with a spoon and a bowl in her hands, running after me.
Sorry, mother. I should have eaten properly then like you're doing it right for me.
On mother's day, I once gave her a baby doll that she seemed to be attached to. On the following visit, I was told that several times mother was calling that doll " ちいちゃん”which is the common name she used to call me before her illness.
Mother, for you being as a mother, it should be when you were taking care of helpless infants that you found your life the most gorgeous.
I know that. That's why ちいちゃん is very very small kid, right?
Her symptom got worse and now she can rarely utter a word.
Every time I visit her, she looks absent-minded.
But I would never be discouraged.
I keep talking even though she cannot understand me at all.
I enjoy physical contacts as much as possible, like rubbing her hands, shoulders and cheeks or combing her hair.
In the course of doing those kinds, she sometimes regains bright and cute expression on her face.
Mother, I do know you recognize me deep down your heart.
Focusing on what's left not on what's lost is the attitude that I promised myself to keep.
Mother, I'm your daughter who's got a positive thinking.
That's the very treasure and gift that I absolutely got from you.
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